This summer at Take Up & Read

Hello, dear friends!

We hope this email find you well! It’s been a long time since we sent out an email to our entire email list!

Elizabeth and I wanted to take a moment to fill you in on our summer plans for Take Up & Read. We have a lot going on, actually! We’re taking advantage of slower summer schedules to tune up our spiritual and physical health, sometimes both at once.

On the blog and in the main TUAR membership:

What can we say? Summer just says “psalms” to us. These short but meaty verses bring both comfort and conviction to the heart. Who doesn’t need comfort and conviction these days, hmmm?

How to join in on Summer of Psalms: for free on Instagram, or (for a small monthly fee) in our weekly Membership Zooms. We usually meet Thursday mornings (recorded for those who can’t make it!) where Elizabeth brings us rich context and scripture connections, as well as discussions and prayer requests. One hour a week gives more than we can even quantify spiritually. Check out more about our membership by clicking here.

In the new Well + Good membership:

In case you missed it, Elizabeth is a certified wellness instructor through the Revelation Wellness training program. This program keeps Jesus at the center of a life that is focused on spiritual and physical wellness. We just finished a session of Well + Good and our members who participated had wonderful things to say! Here’s a particularly wonderful testimony from one of our ladies.

Working through the Wellness Revelation book, taking part in the Well + Good zooms and utilizing the online tools from Wellness Revelation is like finally getting to read that book you've been wanting to read for years. I'm not just muddling through counting (or sometimes manipulating) points or calories, I am finally digging into what is behind my body image/food issues and each time I open a new chapter, I can feel baggage drop away. I do think this is a journey for life and I look forward to another session this summer and the growth that can come from it. -Carla

Can’t say much more than we agree completely!

How to join in on Well + Good: we will be posting a bit on social media, but the majority of our study will be done in our Monday evening zooms (recorded for those who can’t make it!) and in private discussions. If you want to spend time getting your heart and soul in the right place and beginning to move your body, Well + Good is the program for you. Check out more about the Well + Good membership here.

As usual, Elizabeth will be live most weekdays, breaking down the daily readings and building the kingdom. Join her for free by following TUAR over on Instagram!

Don’t hesitate to reach out via email if you have any questions about either the main membership or Well + Good.

Can’t wait to see you, in the membership or on Instagram!

-Micaela + Elizabeth

Micaela DarrComment