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The Annunciation
Common Name: Madonna Lily
Botanical Name: Lilium candidum
Mary Garden Name: Annunciation Lily
White lilies are often seen in paintings of the Annunciation, and traditionally represent purity
The Visitation
Common Name: Columbine
Botanical Name: Aquilegia vulgaris
Mary Garden Name: Mary’s Shoes
Blooms in June or July
The story is told that Columbine flowers sprang up under Mary’s shoes when she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. The flowers are called “Mary’s Shoes” or “Mary’s Slippers” because of this tale.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Nativity
Common Name: Grass Lily
Botanical Name: Ornithogalum umbellatum
Mary Garden Name: Star-of-Bethlehem
Blooms in early spring
Legend tells us that the star that led the three wise men to Bethlehem stopped at its destination and burst into thousands of fragments, which turned to flowers when they touched the earth.
The Presentation
Common Name: Snowdrops
Botanical Name: Galanthus nivalis
Mary Garden Name: Candlemas Bells
The Finding in the Temple
Common Name: False Dragonhead
Botanical Name: Physostegia virginiana
Mary Garden Name: Obedient Plant
The Baptism of Our Lord
Common Name: Columbine
Botanical Name: Aquilegia (white)
Mary Garden Name: Mary’s Shoes
The petals of columbine flowers are said to resemble doves, representing the Holy Spirit.
The Wedding at Cana
Common Name: Common Grape
Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera
Mary Garden Name: Wine Grape
Jesus performed His first miracle at the Wedding at Cana, turning water into wine.
Photo Credit: Allison McGinley
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
Common Name: Black Mustard
Botanical Name: Brassica nigra
Mary Garden Name: Mustard Flower
The tall mustard plant, which grows from a tiny seed, is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Transfiguration
Common Name: Goldenrod
Botanical Name: Solidago
Mary Garden Name: Heavenly Radiance
Imagine the radiance that surrounded Jesus when He was transfigured on that mountain, appearing with Moses and Elijah! Goldenrod is also known as “Heavenly Radiance” and is traditionally associated with this mystery.
The Institution of the Eucharist
Common Name: Money Plant
Botanical Name: Lunaria annua
Mary Garden Name: Honesty
The seed pods of the Money Plant are symbolic of the Eucharist.
The Agony in the Garden
Common Name: St. John’s Wort
Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum
Mary Garden Name: Christ’s Bloody Sweat
The red dots on the St. John’s Wort flowers symbolize Christ’s bloody sweat, which He experienced while praying in the garden at Gethsemane.
The Scourging at the Pillar
Common Name: Yarrow
Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
Mary Garden Name: Christ’s Bloody Back
The flat, red clusters of Yarrow flowers symbolize the bloody lashes on Christ’s back after His scourging at the pillar.
The Crowning with Thorns
Common Name: Christ Thorn
Botanical Name: Euphorbia splendens
Mary Garden Name: Crown of Thorns
These thorny stems might be as prickly as the crown of thorns that was put on Jesus’ head before He was crucified.
The Carrying of the Cross
Common Name: Jockey's Cap Lily
Botanical Name: Tigridia pavonia
Mary Garden Name: Christ’s Bloody Knee
Jesus fell--three times--while carrying the cross. The Tigridia flower resembles a knee with a bloody wound, much like Christ’s knees might have looked while carrying the cross.
The Crucifixion
Common Name: Maypop
Botanical Name: Passiflora incarnata
Mary Garden Name: Passion Flower
The Passion Flower represents Christ’s scourging, crowning with thorns, and the crucifixion. Each different part of the plant has different symbolism and significance--find a full list here and see if you can identify the different parts of the flower.
The Resurrection
Common Name: Easter Lily
Botanical Name: Lilium longiflorum
Mary Garden Name: Resurrection Lily
The Easter Lily lies dormant all winter, bursting into bloom during the summer when the weather is warm.
The Ascension
Common Name: Sword Lily
Botanical Name: Gladiolus
Mary Garden Name: Ladder to Heaven
Jesus didn't climb a ladder to get to Heaven, but the way this flower points straight up to Heaven makes us think of His Ascension.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Common Name: Holy Ghost Orchid
Botanical Name: Peristeria Elata
Mary Garden Name: Flower of the Holy Spirit
If you look inside this special flower, you can see a dove when it begins to bloom. The Holy Spirit is often represented by a dove in Scripture.
The Assumption of Our Lady
Common Name: Plantain Lily
Botanical Name: Hosta plantaginea
Mary Garden Name: Assumption Lily
The white lily represents the purity of Our Lady, who was taken to Heaven, body and soul, to be with her Son.
The Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven
Common Name: Marigold
Botanical Name: Calendula
Mary Garden Name: Mary's Gold
After a heavenly vision, Saint Hildegard dedicated the Calendula to Mary, naming it “Mary’s Gold” -- the original Marigold!