Take Up & Read

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What's New at Take Up & Read?

The end of the liturgical year and Advent are upon us! So what’s new with Take Up & Read?

On Instagram:

Elizabeth is going to be resuming her daily morning Instagram Lives! Yay! Join her (for free!) to delve deep into the daily readings.

In the main TUAR membership:

Our Thursday membership meetings will be focused on the Sunday Advent readings. Prepare your heart to hear His Word! If you’re not already a member of Take Up & Read, consider signing up for this Advent to deepen your Advent prayer life.

Check out more about our memberships by clicking here.

Well + Good memberships are open again!

The fall and winter holidays can be emotional roller coasters for many women. The busyness, the joy, traveling or hosting… We tend to burn out, and then we set unrealistic resolutions to punish ourselves for holiday “transgressions.” Let’s help each other not do any of that this year. Let’s pursue a peaceful, healthy advent that leads to a beautiful Christmas celebration and a new year full of hope for health and good cheer.

We want to help you walk in Christ-centered wellness, all the way through Advent and well into the New Year. We want to fill you with the goodness of God so that you don’t become so depleted that you look for “solutions” in diets and exercise. With Well + Good, we seek peace and wholeness. We know both can only be found in God, so we begin there.

Advent Sampler Membership:

Not sure whether to choose a Take Up & Read Membership or a Well + Good Membership? This sampler gives you the chance to try both for the month of December!

What do past Well + Good members have to say about the program?

Working through the Wellness Revelation book, taking part in the Well + Good zooms and utilizing the online tools from Wellness Revelation is like finally getting to read that book you've been wanting to read for years. I'm not just muddling through counting (or sometimes manipulating) points or calories, I am finally digging into what is behind my body image/food issues and each time I open a new chapter, I can feel baggage drop away. I do think this is a journey for life and I look forward to another session this summer and the growth that can come from it. -Carla

Can’t say much more than we agree completely!

On your own:

If you’re more of a DIY pray-er, or you’re looking to gather a group of local friends to study together, consider our “evergreen” journal, Rooted In Hope. It begins on the Feast of Saint Andrew on November 30 and explores the lives of many biblical figures. It’s a wonderful adult prayer companion if you’re planning to study the Jesse Tree with the children in your life.

You continue to be in our daily prayers. Can’t wait to see you, in the membership or on Instagram!

In thanksgiving,

-Micaela + Elizabeth