Take Up & Read

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Isn't She Lovely?

I haven't held a book yet. Wednesday morning, despite the fact that there are 40 en route to me from the printer, I broke down and ordered one from Amazon. I cannot possibly wait until next Tuesday. It should be here tomorrow.

In the meantime, it has been quite a joy to see the book well-received out there.

In the world.

With you. 

These images on Instagram truly bring such happiness to the team. We've worked so hard in the quiet for months. It's pretty wonderful to see our book find  good homes. Use the hashtags #takeupandread and #considerthelilies2017 when you post so we can find you. Here are just a few snapshots of happy mail yesterday:

Isn't she lovely?

Be sure to follow us @takeupandread on Instagram. We are planning to give away a couple of mugs to celebrate the weekend. That mug is pretty lovely, too, and the only way to get one is to win it.


Here's one more shot from yesterday. One of my favorite little touches about the cover of this book is that little blue tab on the spine. See it? It says "hope." (Well, it literally says "Take Up & Read," but to me, it says there's a future here.)  

Here's the deal: that tab is blue. The next book will have a new tab color, and then the next one yet another color. So, when you line them all up together on a shelf, they'll be just. so. lovely

I hope so.

I hope we can keep writing these until we use up every color in the biggest box of Crayolas! 

Get your very own journal here.